Posted by: SlayingDepression | April 24, 2011

Easter Update

Things seem to be much better these days, I am happy to report.  Hopefully I’m working my way out of the trough of depression that I fell in a few weeks ago.  Things seem to be more “in perspective” right now.  I wonder how long this will last, though.  I’m hopeful that it will be for a while, but you never know.  It is interesting to take a look back at where you were when you felt really lost and depressed.  It seems difficult to even describe what it is like when you were there.  I guess that is why I’m grateful for this record (this blog) that I’ve started to keep track of where I’ve been.  Looking back, it doesn’t seem as if it was that bad, not too big of a deal; but I conceptually know better.

So, here are a few of my life updates.  I received another rejection from a university here, but it doesn’t seem to bother me that much.  I tell myself that it is mostly due to the fact that I am overqualified for these positions, but really who knows.  This is a position to which I had applied before, but didn’t get it.  Then, they called and asked me to reapply since the other person didn’t work out.  Then I didn’t get it.  Oh well.

On the business that I started with a few of my former colleagues, however, we are on track.  Our first client just signed the contract and we have three very strong potentials. 🙂

So, the road to recovery with depression.  I don’t think there will ever be a total recovery, but there will be periods of time that will be better than others.   I think awareness of the issue and willingness to work through it will be key to life success.

Cheers and Happy Easter!



  1. beautifully stated. your in-process presence in the journey of your life — thank u for sharing. keep on.

  2. I’m so glad to hear that your depression has abated some.

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